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We have a choice TO 

save our water


JOIN Our Fight TO




Save Our Water is a citizens group in Centre Wellington, Ontario. We are fighting to preserve the Middlebrook well, which in 2016 was purchased by Nestlé in our community. Nestlé has recently sold its water bottling business to new owners One Rock Capital Partners and Metropoulos & Co., now known as BlueTriton Brands. However, the threat at Middlebrook remains just the same.


We believe groundwater is a public trust being held for future generations and strongly oppose the view of water as a commercial commodity.

We want the Government of Ontario to refuse any commercial water bottler a permit to extract millions of litres of our water each year.


Over the past six years, our group has expanded to more than 750 people. We include lawyers, hydrogeologists, financial professionals, environmental scientists, business owners, young families, artists, retirees, faith groups, farmers, and more. Most of us are from Centre Wellington. A growing number are from across Ontario and outside Canada.


Our fight is a global fight against corporate greed.

How you can help:​




Be on our mailing list. Come to our meetings to contribute your thoughts and efforts. Or simply spread the word through your evolving understanding of this critical issue.

We are all volunteers. But of course, we have costs. They aren’t large. But they add up. You can leverage the efforts and time donated freely by our volunteers by donating to the cause of water protection through Save Our Water. Please do it now. Help keep us going.

Show your support and further commitment. Make an active stand by becoming a champion with Save Our Water. 

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Who we are

We create awareness through extensive research, protest marches, fundraising events, blue ribbon and lawn sign initiatives, community information talks, and meetings with public officials. We encourage local politicians to stand up for the protection of our groundwater.


Our campaign is entering a new phase of intensity. There’s no time to lose.


Save Our Water works with allies, most prominently Wellington Water Watchers, a Guelph-based group that has been at the forefront of groundwater defence for over a decade, as well as with groups across Canada and internationally who defend the water resources of their communities from being allowed to fall under private, for-profit, control.


Contact our Provincial Representatives and let them know you don't support large scale commercial water taking for the purpose of bottling. Now is the time for you to make your voice heard and be a part of protecting groundwater for future generations! Write a letter today.


Save Our Water wholly supports the Ontario provincial government’s legislation that gives all municipalities in the province the right to veto the taking of groundwater in excess of 379,000 litres per day for bottling.


However, Save Our Water does not support the taking of groundwater in any amount up to 379,000 litres per day for bottling in Centre Wellington or any other municipality in Ontario deemed to be a water-stressed area.


Save Our Water does not support any pump test by a water bottler in Centre Wellington and will continue to oppose any groundwater extraction for water bottling purposes from the Middlebrook well.


101 Chalmers Street
Elora ON N0B 1S0

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We remember and acknowledge that we are on traditional First Nations land. The Middlebrook well is situated on the Haldimand Tract, which is treaty land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. We express gratitude to the original stewards in this area, the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Attawandaron or Neutral peoples, and endeavour to honour this history by strengthening our relationship with land and water and continuing responsible stewardship. 

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