Become a
Water Champion.
Where do Canadians draw the line? At Save Our Water, we are drawing the line at groundwater being extracted cheaply and sold expensively. We are drawing the line at a finite natural resource being pulled from under our feet by a multi-billion dollar food company. We are drawing the line for our kids and their kids. Because what BlueTriton (formerly Nestlé) does might be legal, but it’s not right.

They're organized. By becoming a Water Champion you open a direct line of communication with Save Our Water. Occasionally - and with plenty of warning - we will ask you to help us share posts and spread our messaging.
They're informed. Water Champions keep updated through the Save Our Water newsletter, by following Save Our Water social media and by attending community meetings whenever possible.
They're vocal. They speak out against injustice. Water Champions communicate with their local MPs and other key decision makers. They write letters and make phone calls.
They’re committed. We have had an important victory with the municipal veto over large-scale water taking at Middlebrook for bottling. But this is not over. BlueTriton (formerly Nestlé) could still apply for a permit for a smaller amount. This fight must remain strong and water champions are ready to help Save Our Water keep momentum!
How do water champions
support save our water?
We need your help. We need people like you that care about the future of our water - not only in Centre Wellington but throughout Ontario, across Canada and around the world.